- Ad Proves DEMOCRATS Can Accuse REPUBLICANS of Being Terrorists http://ff.im/-rbSlD #
- Breaking: Microsoft to kill off Spaces, moving everyone to WordPress.com http://ff.im/-rbSr6 #
- Journalism in the Age of Data http://ff.im/-rbSso #
- Story Idea: College Faculty, Staff Living in Student Dorms http://ff.im/-rbSut #
- Why Newark Deserved the Challenge Grant from Mark Zuckerberg http://ff.im/-rbTbE #
- "Remember a time when liberals had their own ideas?" http://bit.ly/bwD10O #
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- “Remember a time when liberals had their own ideas?” http://ff.im/-rcxSd #
- Have you voted for the Worst Ad in America yet? Because you really should before voting closes tomorrow. http://bit.ly/bg80r6 #
- I liked a YouTube video — Share Creativity http://youtu.be/-e95ZmnW_O8?a #
- Help The Consumerist find the Worst Ad in America http://ff.im/-rdcMA #
- I just started playing Assassin's Creed II. http://ff.im/-rdipU #
- I unlocked the The Conspirators achievement on Assassin's Creed II! http://ff.im/-rdI6x #
- Toxie's Dead : Planet Money : NPR http://ff.im/-rfcne #
- George Lucas Stole Chewbacca, But It’s Okay « Binary Bonsai http://ff.im/-rfcnc #
- Don't be picking jackboots out of your face, join the Video Game Voters Network. Here's why: http://ow.ly/2L3KN #
- "Sleep deprivation affects 80 to 90 percent of college students" – http://bit.ly/b2zVq7 #collegejourn #
- Concur! RT @KerrySheats: It was good running into @Chronotope with @BillyReplied today! @Mason_Photog, we need a reunion!!! #
- Hirshhorn Bubble Could Inflate For First Time In October 2012 – DCist http://ff.im/-rg1Ua #
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